If you follow me on social media, you'll know that I take self-care pretty seriously.
I call it "Self-Care Wednesday' but it is not limited to just Wednesday. I give myself the care whenever I truly need it.
When to take time for self-care:
When experiencing stress
Burn out
When you are anxious
As a treat
When you need some time out
Any day you feel like you need it
Self-care is vital for a balanced mind, body and soul. That connection with self is one of the most important relationships that we will ever have. I use self-care to recharge.
Here are my top 5 things to do on Self-Care Wednesday:
1. I like to ground. Make a tea, head outside or even indoors.
Sit down on the ground and simply be. Drink your tea and breathe.
2. Having a luxurious bubble bath with clean bath products and candles lit.
I love to listen to a Sarah Blondin meditation or soothing music by Snatam Kaur in the background.
3. Cook a nutritious meal. Balanced and super delicious.
When you feel good on the inside it projects on the outside.
4. I like to journal. Writing about my feelings, good or bad.
Keeping a journal helps me process what i'm going through.
5. When I really feel like a treat, I love booking myself in for a long massage.

Happy Self-Care Wednesday!
Love & light,