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Happy 10th Birthday, Unleeshd.

10 YEARS! 10!!! I can't believe it. I'm emotional and so full of pride.

I have been under the name of Unleeshd for 10 beautiful years.

The community I have built over this time is so special to me. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FOR SUPPORTING MY JOURNEY.

I have met some amazing people over the last ten years.

I am so grateful for every interaction. There has been nothing but love for Unleeshd.

I thought it would be fun to share a few fun facts about Unleeshd, especially if you’re new to this gorgeous community.

🌸 Unleeshd is a mix of my nickname Leesh and the word Unleashed which means “to release from restraint” 10 years ago, your girl just wanted a voice and a bit of freedom. 🌸 It was none other than the gorgeous Vlogger Kaushal who encouraged me to start a blog and even created my very very first logo after starting her own blog “Beauty-Fulfilled” 🌸 I was make-up crazy back then! I would buy every new product, then review it on my blog.

I blogged about beauty, celebrity fashion, my favorite recipes, even law of attraction! 🌸 3 years ago, my blog got a complete make-over. I rebranded entirely to a Health & Wellness Blog. Life had moved on and so had my likes and dislikes. 🌸 I started writing about mental health openly as I felt there simply wasn’t enough resources online from a South Asian perspective.

I decided to talk about my own journey with mental health. 🌸 3 years on, I encourage others to put themselves first through self-care and self-love tools. 🌸 It all started with pouring love into and nourishing myself. 🌸The Unleeshd brand represents being your true, authentic self.. unapologetically 🥰 Happy birthday, Unleeshd!

I’m so excited for where this brand is going and what it represents

Here's to another 10 years. I can truly feel in my soul that Unleeshd is on the cusp of something truly beautiful.

Stay tuned my loves!

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